There Was A Rainbow In My Room This Morning by Shayna Prace

 There Was A Rainbow In My Room This Morning
Shayna Prace

The best kind of light is the peek through
the blinds type. The prismatic array of
color meeting light, almost like it’s trying
to play a trick on my eyes. A refraction
making the rest of the room feel dull
against it.

Then colors fade as things resume
their usual shades. Is this what falling
out of love feels like?

It’s been rainier these days, but I still keep the blinds open with a
sense of optimism. Any flicker out of the corner of my eye makes
my breath leave my body like I shattered glass on the floor. As a
kid, I was always scared that the droughts would be never
ending. Never did I expect to want the sun to return for good.
The next time it returns, a rainbow will be there, shining through
the window to take your place.

Shayna Prace is a senior English major, a coffee addict, and a self-proclaimed Harry Potter geek.